5 Scots Green Hackle

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5 Scots green hackle was the Arylls and is now known as the Balaclava company and almost non-existent as it is a regiment for parade duties.

Green 5 Scots hackles

5 Scots Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders.

The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders  infantry regiment from 1881 until the merger into the Royal Regiment of Scotland 2006.The regiment was  in 1881 by the amalgamation of the 91st and 93rd  Regiment of Foot.
The 1st Battalion served in Aden during 1967 under "Mad Mitch).In 2006, the Argylls were amalgamated with the other Scottish Regiments to Form the Royal Regiment of Scotland
Sadly this proud regiment was was reduced, in 2012 to a single public duties company called Balaklava Company and only has a about 100 soldiers
